Our official website is live! You can visit us at AnimalCareTrustUSA.org. .
We are well on our way to accomplishing our mission or educating pet parents about the importance of inlcuding their pets as part of their estate plans.
We have already helped several loved pets find forever homes. These were pets whose pet parent didn't have a plan for them.
We aren't in the rescue business, but we still want to help. You can also find us now on PetFinder.com.

Our mission is to keep loved pets in loving homes. If your pet outlives you, we keep your pet safe and loved. We will serve loved pets and their pet parents with Trustee services for your Pet Trust so your pet stays at home, in a forever home or in a sanctuary - its your choice. We also support animal welfare and rescue organizations locally and nationally that complement our mission. Protect your pet now, call 407-977-8080 or Peggy@HoytBryan.com.